Minor Requirements
The neuroscience minor is designed to allow students in other majors an opportunity to explore the interdisciplinary field of neuroscience in a structured and rigorous way, while pursuing a major field of study in another discipline at the same time.
For information regarding declaring the neuroscience minor, please refer to this page.
Lower Division Requirements (9 classes, 37 units)
Upper Division Requirements (7 classes, 31 units)
3 Core Courses
- Neuroscience M101A – Fall Quarter Only
- Prerequisite: CHEM 14C/30A, LIFESCI 7C, PHYSICS 5C/1B
- Neuroscience M101B – Winter Quarter Only
- Prerequisite: NEUROSC M101A with a grade of C- or better
- Neuroscience M101C – Spring Quarter Only
- Prerequisite: NEUROSC M101A with a grade of C- or better
4 Additional Electives
Choose any four electives from the following list:
- Disability Studies M139
- Music Industry M103
- Neurobiology M169
- Neuroscience 101L, 102, M116A, M119L, M119N, CM123, M135, 140, 142, M145, 150, C151, M161, M170, C172, M176, C177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 186, M187, 191A, 191B, 191C, 199A/B
- Physics C186
- Physiological Science M106, 121, CM123, C126, C127, C130, M135, 138, C144, M145, 146, 147, 173, 174, 175, M176, 177, M181
- Psychology 110, 112A, 112B, 112C, 112E, M116A, 116B, 118, 119A, 119B, 119C, 119D, 119E, 119F, 119I, 119J, M119L, 119M, M119N, M119O, 119Q, 119R, 119S, 119U, M119X, 120A, 120B, 124A, 124B, 124C, 124D (Consciousness: Current Debates), 124K, 127B, 137A (previously PSYCH 188B: Neuroscience of Social Perception), M139, 161, 162, 164, M166
- Psychiatry 174, 176, M182
Important Notes for the Minor:
- If any of the electives listed above are not populating on your DARS, please email neurosci@ucla.edu so that the course can be manually substituted.
- Each preparation class must be passed with a C- or higher (2.5 prep GPA).
- Students who repeat more than 2 preparation classes or any preparation class more than once are subject to dismissal from the minor.
- All minor courses must be taken for a letter grade, with an overall grade-point average of 2.0 or better in the minor. Successful completion of the minor is indicated on the transcript and diploma.
- There is a maximum 2-course overlap permissible between the student’s major and the neuroscience minor. A minimum of 20 units applied toward the minor requirements must be in addition to units applied toward major requirements or another minor’s requirements.
- Non-STEM majors wishing to minor in neuroscience should be aware that the preparation courses in chemistry, life sciences, and physics are requisites to the upper division course requirements.
- Students may apply Neuroscience 199A/B toward the minor as one of the four elective requirements. These 199 contracts, however, may not overlap with the students’ major.
- Additionally, CHEM 153A can be applied toward the minor as an elective.
- Please refer to the class notes when enrolling in electives, as they include important information regarding enrollment.
- For Psychology electives, Neuroscience majors/minors are not held to completing pre-reqs like PSYCH 10, 115, or 100A. Psychology electives will typically open for Neuroscience majors/minors to enroll during the second enrollment pass, unless otherwise noted in the class notes.
- Please see Neuroscience Major Page for important notes about the LIFESCI 7 series and PHYSICS 6/5 series. We accept the LIFESCI 1-4 and PHYSICS 6 series for students who were admitted prior to Fall 2017.